Bioaerosol samplers are vital equipment for use in bioaerosol research, clean rooms, pharmaceutical validation and throughout hospitals wherever air hygiene is paramount. The MicroBio MB2 Bioaerosol Sampler has a host of features making it ideal for use in such applications. It has been fully validated and thousands of units are in use worldwide.
The MicroBio MB2 Bioaerosol Sampler is capable of using both 55 mm contact plates or 90 mm standard Petri dishes with either 220 or 400 hole sampling head options, avoiding the expense of proprietary sampling media. Using readily available low cost consumables with a variety of media, makes the MicroBio MB2 Bioaerosol Sampler an economical instrument to use. The MicroBio MB2 Bioaerosol Sampler is an invaluable device designed for use in hospitals, with IAQ consultants, validating clean rooms to ISO 14698 requirements and USP797 Guidelines in the United States.
Cantium Scientific Microbial Air Sampler Portfolio