When it comes to hygiene monitoring, you’ve got a lot on the line — and accurate information is critical. But not all systems are the same. Keep things moving with the 3M Clean-Trace Hygiene Monitoring and Management System, now reinvented and more reliable. It helps you quickly prepare for and pass your audits. It’s designed to give you peace of mind with improved accuracy and breakthrough technology. It’s go time.
3M Clean-Trace ATP Monitoring System
3M Clean-Trace Hygiene Monitoring and Management System offers food safety professionals a complete system of products consisting of a luminometer handheld device, compatible tests and a powerful new software platform, to verify that surfaces have been effectively cleaned in seconds, for better decision making and audit preparedness.
3M Clean-Trace Surface Protein Plus
Residues remaining on surfaces indicate poor cleaning and provide nutrients for spoilage or pathogenic bacteria to thrive, which could lead to product contamination.
3M Clean-Trace Surface Protein Plus is a rapid, simple and reliable solution to monitor biological contamination on surfaces in real time, helping you to manage your cleaning and protect your customers.
3M Clean-Trace Surface Protein (Allergen)
Residues remaining on surfaces indicate poor cleaning and could contain potentially allergenic proteins, which could lead to product contamination.
3M Clean-Trace Surface Protein (Allergen) is a simple method of checking for removal of protein residues after cleaning. As the majority of allergens are proteins, if a surface is found to be protein-free, it is also free of protein-based allergens.